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Funding Priorities

Priority will be given to those projects that:

• Address one or more priority areas (arts; Hudson River Valley science, history and heritage; academics; physical education)
• Have the highest educational value 
• Deepen engagement with existing curriculum and facilitate mastery of curricular goals
• Extend and enliven the curriculum
• Can be readily implemented
• Include students across multiple grades and promote collaboration within the school community
• Promote collaboration between the school and community organizations
• Would not otherwise be supported by the Garrison Union Free School District Board of Educatio


Examples of potentially fundable initiatives include:

• After-school programs 

• Special events and workshops 

• Guest speakers 

• Artists in residence

• Equipment and materials



Spring Deadline: May 1, 2024

(for projects/initiatives taking place in Fall 2024)

Fall Deadline: November 1, 2024

(for projects/initiatives taking place in Spring 2025)

Please note in order to comply with established procedures (see below), the GCEF Board requires adequate time—up to two months—to fully consider each application. As such, grant requests must be received at least two months prior to a scheduled program date. Please keep this timing in mind when applying for funding.


Grant Application Procedures

GCEF accepts grant submissions during two review periods, in the fall and spring. At the beginning of each semester, the GCEF Grants Committee and GUFS Principal will announce the opening of the application period during which applications will be accepted. Applicants must complete the GCEF grant application in its entirety when applying for funding.

For applicants that are GUFS staff/faculty: applicants are responsible for gathering all required approvals and signatures, including that of the GUFS Principal and Superintendent, prior to submitting. Applicants are encouraged to meet with the GUFS Principal at least one week prior to the deadline for this purpose. The Principal will then get the approval of the Superintendent.

For applicants that are not GUFS staff/faculty: non-staff applicants whose grants require school involvement are required to discuss their proposals with GUFS Administration prior to submitting an application. Non-staff applicants are responsible for gathering all required approvals and signatures, including that of the GUFS Principal and Superintendent, prior to submitting their application.

Once all required approvals and signatures have been received, completed applications should be submitted electronically to the GCEF Grants Committee at Incomplete applications without signatures will be returned to the applicant.

Once applications are submitted and reviewed by the Grants Committee, a member of the Committee will follow up with the applicant on any outstanding questions/issues that may need clarification before the application can be considered.

When applications are deemed complete, they are initially reviewed by the GCEF Grants Committee and then with the school’s administration. Applications that are approved by the school’s administration are then brought before the full GCEF Board for a vote during a monthly trustees meeting. Applicants will be notified whether their application was funded within one week following this meeting.

Relevant Contacts

Nicole Donaldson and Kristan Connolly, Grants Co-Chairs
Garrison Children’s Education Fund

Allison Emig, Principal
Garrison Union Free School


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