Pre-bidding is open now!
All of our auction item descriptions are online now! The pre-bidding is open and you may also sign up for group events. Check out this...
Hey, what about us?
[Earrings by Gabrielle Sanchez in rare white turquoise] We spend a lot of time talking about our kids. That makes sense, we are of course...
Howdy, Neighbor!
We have more Spring Thaw auction teasers for you! We've gone to our neighboring cities Beacon and Peekskill and found the best unique...
Who wants to hang out with the teachers? Me!
Next week, your kids will hear all about the amazing teacher items coming to Spring Thaw in April. Here is a preview: * Your child and...
Who wants to be Principal for a Day?
Last July, the PCNR had a great article that mentioned our first ever Principal for a Day raffle: "The Principal For A Day raffle program...